Eye to Eye: The Camera Remembers: Portrait Photographs by Renate Ponsold. Foreword by Dore Ashton. Afterword by Robert Motherwell. New York: Hudson Hills, 1988.
Mayer, Musa. Night Studio: A Memoir of Philip Guston by His Daughter. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988.
Kies, Emily Bardack. "The Drawings of Philip Guston." The Museum of Modern Art. Gallery guide. New York, 1988.
Mayer, Musa. "Philip Guston and the Privilege of Writing Badly." Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art, no. 13 (1988): pp. 1–4.
Corbett, William. "Philip Guston." Agni 26 (1988): pp. 119–20.
Dabrowski, Magdalena. The Drawings of Philip Guston. Exh. cat. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1988.
Inaugural Exhibition of Twentieth-Century American Art. Exh. cat. Essays by Peter F. Blume and Tom Moran. Forward by James A. Michener. Introduction by Linda Constance Buki. Doylestown: James A. Michener Art Center of Bucks County, 1988.
Berkson, Bill, and Joe LeSueur, eds. Homage to Frank O'Hara. 1978. Reprint, Big Sky, 1988.
Return to the Figure: Three Studies. Exh. cat. Bronx: The Bronx Museum of the Arts, 1988.
20th Century Drawings from the Whitney Museum of American Art. Exh. brochure. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art Fairfield County, 1988.
Master Drawings: 1877–1987. Exh. cat. New York: Janie C. Lee Gallery, 1988.
Wood, James N., and Katharine C. Lee. Master Paintings in the Art Institute of Chicago. 1st ed. Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 1988.
Twentieth-Century Drawings from the Anderson Collection. Exh. cat. Stanford: Stanford University Museum of Art, 1988.
Rudenstine, Angelica Zander. Modern Painting, Drawing and Sculpture: Collected by Emily and Joseph Pulitzer, Jr., vol. 4. Cambridge: Harvard University Art Museums, 1988.
Lipshultz, Sandra LaWall. Selected Works: The Minneapolis Institute of Arts. Minneapolis: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1988.
Oppenheimer, Joel. Names and Local Habitations (Selected Earlier Poems 1951–1972). Winston-Salem: Jargon Society, 1988.