Coming soon
Dwight Art Memorial, South Hadley, MA, "Abstract Expressionism", February 07, 1957 - February 28, 1957
Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY, "Contemporary Americans", January 05, 1957 - January 27, 1957
Atlanta Public Library, Atlanta, GA, "Children of the City", January 11, 1957 - January 25, 1957 Travelled to:
Tanager Gallery, New York, NY, "Painters Sculptors on 10th Street: Exhibition of Artists Working on 10th Street", December 21, 1956 - January 24, 1957
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, "Annual Exhibition, Sculpture, Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings", November 14, 1956 - January 06, 1957
San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, CA, "Younger American Painters", 1956
Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, NY, "Recent Paintings by 7 Americans", September 24, 1956 - October 20, 1956
New York City Center Gallery, New York, NY, "(invitational show of paintings by former jurors)", September 1956
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, "12 Americans", May 29, 1956 - September 09, 1956
Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France, "50 ans d'Art aux Etats-Unis, Collections du Museum of Modern Art de New York", March 30, 1955 - May 15, 1955 Travelled to:
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Colorado Springs, CO, "New Accessions U.S.A.", June 03, 1956 - August 05, 1956
Camino Gallery, New York, NY, "June Salon: 120 Sculptors, Painters", June 01, 1956 - June 22, 1956
Stable Gallery, New York, NY, "Fifth Annual Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture", May 22, 1956 - June 16, 1956
The Arts Club of Chicago, Chicago, IL, "World at Work, 1930-1955, Twenty-Five Years of Art for Fortune", May 12, 1955 - June 15, 1955 Travelled to:
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, "1956 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Sculpture, Watercolors and Drawings", April 18, 1956 - June 10, 1956
Margaret Brown Gallery, Boston, MA, "Benefit Exhibition for the Boston Arts Festival: The Lois Orswell Collection", May 08, 1956 - May 29, 1956
Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, NY, "Recent Paintings Philip Guston", February 06, 1956 - March 03, 1956
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