
Post-Surrealists and Other Moderns. Exh. cat. Los Angeles: Stanley Rose Gallery, 1935.
Regional Group Exhibition San Francisco Painters and Sculptors and Second Annual Exhibition California Figure Painters. Exh. cat. Los Angeles: Foundation of Western Art, 1935.
Los Angeles Times. "New Exhibits." March 1, 1936.
Los Angeles Times. "Art Exhibitions Reviewed." March 8, 1936, p. C9.
Los Angeles Times. "Relief Project Art Goes to Schools and Institutions." May 10, 1936.
Millier, Arthur. "West Sees New Art Exhibitions, Murals." Los Angeles Times, August 2, 1936.
Los Angeles Times. "Artists' Congress Chapter to Show." September 13, 1936, part III, p. 9.
Millier, Arthur. "Local Chapter of Artists Congress in First Show." Los Angeles Times, September 20, 1936.
New York Sun. "Anti-Fascist Paintings Shown Here." December 17, 1937, p. 34.
Miami Daily News. "Artist Hurls 'Bombardment.'" December 19, 1937.
Des Moines Register. "New York Art Exhibit Is Anti-Fascist Preachment." December 21, 1937, p. 11.
Chicago Daily Times. "Defense of Democracy." December 21, 1937, p. 24.
Look. [Article title unknown]. 1937.
Jewell, Edward Alden. "Federal Art Show Has Preview Here: 'Murals for the Community,' a Large WPA Exhibition, to Be Open Until June 16. Wide Variety Displayed. Alfred Floegel's 'History of World,' Prepared for High School, in Collection." The New York Times, May 25, 1938.
Klein, Jerome. "WPA Mural Show Reflects Upswing of Individualism." New York Post, May 28, 1938.
Genauer, Emily. "Exhibit of WPA Murals Proves Artists' Worth." New York World-Telegram, May 28, 1938.
Jewell, Edward Alden. "Commentary on Murals: Exhibition at the Federal Art Gallery Presents WPA New York Region Survey." The New York Times, May 29, 1938.
Burrows, Carlyle. "Some Mural Designs for the Community." New York Herald Tribune, May 29, 1938.
New York Evening Sun. "Government-Fostered Mural Art Here." May 31, 1938.
Art Digest. "'Project' Murals Avoid 'Sweetness and Light.'" June 1, 1938, p. 15.
Coates, Robert M., "Abstractionists, Muralists, and Retrospectives." The New Yorker, June 11, 1938, pp. 59–61.
The New York Times. "Contemporary Art on View Next Week: Whitney Museum to Open Its Annual Show Wednesday—16 States Represented." October 29, 1938.
McCausland, Elizabeth. "Murals from the Federal Art Project." Parnassus, December 1938, p. 8.
Miller, Harlan. "In Washington: New York Gets Educated To British Royalty." Pittsburgh Press, December 8, 1938.